All posts on February 26th, 2018

To Live Outside The Law You Must Be Honest

I was on the diving team when I was in high school. I wasn’t very good but did go the the state regional meet one year when I finished dead last. The amazing news about that was this was the first time my name appeared in an other part of the newspaper from the “Police Blotter” section. I have spent the better half of my adult life trying to get people’s attention while skirting detection from the authorities with some success and now have the chance to combine these “skills” by appearing on Compound Media‘s “NY Crime Report” with Pat Dixon.

Screen Shot 2018-01-30 at 1.37.20 AMThis will be the second time for me on this freewheeling live television program. Aside from looking like a walking police sketch, I do pretty well on TV… The show is being broadcasted at 7PM (East Coast Time) Monday February 26th. If you miss it-the show is archived so you can binge watch it like Law & Order.