All posts on June 11th, 2021

Recover Deleted Video-Pour Choice Edition

The video series that I do on YouTube-Pour Choice is back after a little break with a episode on Ready To Drink Cocktails. I get a lot of suggestions to do mixed drinks for the show and I waited until know because I didn’t know if it fit the theme of Pour Choice. There are 3 guidelines to making one of these videos.

1) It has to taste like shit
2) It has to be easy as shit to do
3 And it has to be funny as shit

This way when someone remarks “Your videos are shit!” I say “Thanks!”

What I believe set my videos apart from most other alcohol reviews (aside from every other reviewer out there is boring as shit…) Is that they are not too long. The attention span is short so these episodes need to be also. And after putting together my latest episode of Pour Choice, I found I had a little too much video so I decided to offer the 3rd review of Ready To Drink Cocktails-The Mai Tai here on my webpage. Here it is and thanks for coming along on this adventure!